NeSI NIWA case study

How NeSI and NIWA help the UK Met Office develop next generation weather analysis tools

Interpolation is ubiquitous in climate and weather models. NeSI team members Alexander Pletzer and Wolfgang Hayek have developed a new interpolation method that will improve the UK Met Office's ability to forecast weather events.
NeSI Case Study Tra Dinh University of Auckland

Investigating climate sensitivity

“The numerical simulations and predictions of the Earth’s climate, which are an essential component of my research, are not possible without NeSI’s high computing facility.”
Scott Lockwood NeSI Case Study University of Otago

Providing global context to the marine methane paradox

“Parsing through this amount of information requires machines with plenty of memory and computing power.”
Eddie Beetham NeSI Case Study University of Auckland

Model reveals islands at risk of coastal flooding

"Sea level rise will have a compounding effect for coastal flooding on reef coastlines."
NeSI Case Study David Coppin University of Auckland

Tracking coastal precipitation systems in the tropics

"The new code implemented is much faster and runs more efficient on NeSI platforms, which allows me to concentrate more on my research and less on computer science aspects."

Squeezing performance from community code SPECFEM3D

"I appreciate the NeSI staff’s assistance in helping me move to NeSI's Cray XC50 supercomputer and achieving this significant boost in productivity."
Fault zone research

Cataloguing NZ’s earthquake activities

“Because we can analyse such large datasets with NeSI, we can generate large catalogues of earthquakes and look at earthquake occurrence over much longer periods of time.”
NIWA Weather Related Hazards research programme

Water conservation applies to weather models too

"NeSI’s support on this project has been extremely valuable and will improve the accuracy of our flood forecasts.”
Andrew Pauling Antarctica

Understanding sea ice changes in the Antarctic

“There’s no other way to run these models. They really need that infrastructure. The models are getting bigger and bigger and the systems need to keep up.”

A statistical modelling approach to monitoring ecosystems

“From my perspective, it was extraordinarily beneficial to have access to NeSI as resource, it really transformed what I thought I would be able to do. The field of statistics at the moment is really on the edge and is advancing all the time."