Promising start to search for new battery materials

A three-year search to find more sustainable, cheaper, longer-lasting and better-performing battery materials is already showing promising results, one year into the project.
image of a rocket launch

Powering innovative solutions for spacecraft guidance and space situational awareness

"We are already reaping the benefits, with Alberto Fossà (UT Austin) developing advanced algorithms using it."
Photo of someone asleep in bed.

A neural network to conquer sleep apnoea

Using NeSI allowed us to take the approach of gathering lots of data, then train and test it remotely as opposed to trying to do it all on a local machine."
Example of a domain decomposition allowing each processor to solve a subpart of the entire problem.

Improving tools to model seismic wave behaviour and predict earthquake impacts

"Simulations used to take 24 hours, now I get results back in 2 hours. It has changed the way I work."
A cross-section of rock showing the ice-like gas hydrate embedded within it.

Exploring potential for new energy resources

"I am grateful to the NeSI team for assisting with the compilation of the TOUGH+HYDRATE code for this research."

Unlocking the power of ParaView to visualise the mechanical behaviour of pumice particles

"The help that we received from this NeSI consultancy project was crucial to our research project."

Enabling smarter heart surgery

"I was modelling a 109-vessel network and after four days the scenario had only 12 per cent completion...The NeSI Consultancy led to this time being cut down to seven-and-a-half hours for the full scenario run."
Computer model image of blood vessels

Modelling coronary artery bypass grafts

"With NeSI’s help, the more sophisticated vessel networks were being solved in several hours, whereas on prior estimates they would have taken a few months."
Underwater view of murky ocean, NeSI case study University of Auckland Heide Friedrich

Mahuika models fractal patterns in murky water

"NeSI gave us the computational power to model these flows... Instead of being limited to a couple of metres in a lab we could simulate flows that covers kilometres of ocean floor.”
Andrew Chen NeSI case study image processing

Supporting new innovations in image processing

“Having access to NeSI computing resources means that we can keep up with the state-of-the-art research in this area, otherwise we simply would not be able to run our code in a reasonable time.”