Photo of NIWA's Baring Head atmospheric station. Photo by Dave Allen, NIWA.

Automating workflows to help scientists address crucial carbon cycle questions

"The transformation of our CYLC setup into a fully automated and more flexible workflow has had a remarkable impact on our research processes."
Mean distributions of biomass density of two tuna populations with contrasted life history and spatial dynamics, predicted by the reference SEAPODYM models.

Fishing for parallelisation strategies

"This work is the first phase of the SEAPODYM parallelization project, and given the very encouraging results and perspectives, I will be looking forward to continuing our collaboration."
Model of temperature and wind in the Drygalski Ice Tongue region of Antarctica.

Automating workflow capabilities

"The workflow has enabled us to run long simulations without constant vigilance."
Coastline view of the New Zealand town of Kaikoura. Image by alimison from Pixabay.

Understanding New Zealand’s ever-changing climate in an uncertain future

“We don’t know what is going to happen to New Zealand on a local scale with climate change unless we use high-resolution models. It shows you changes on a scale that actually affects you.”
Screenshot of the simulation model Scion researchers are using to study wilding conifer seed dispersal.

War on wildings

"Building a scientific model/theory to solve complex real world problems is one thing but scaling it up to solve the problems in a timely manner and utilizing all the modern computational resources is another."
Aerial view of floodwaters surrounding farmhouses. Photo credit Alan Blacklock, NIWA.

GPUs power up desktop flood modelling

"With NeSI at my front door, the amount of research questions I can consider is exponentially greater.”
View of the Marquesas Islands coastline. Image: Michelle Raponi, Pixabay

Tracking South Pacific responses to climate change

"These climate modelling scenarios require intensive computing resources, with each simulation often taking several weeks of computing time."
A view from Ruthe Point on Rotoroa Island, looking southwest over the Hauraki Gulf.  Image: RadishSlice, Wikimedia Commons

Modelling water quality in catchment of the Hauraki Gulf

"A welcome aspect was the very patient supportive approach of the consultants in training novice NeSI users to actually learn and use NeSI..."
Photo of Alena Malyarenko in Antarctica

Improving research approaches to predicting sea level rise

"The number of tests that were conducted in this Consultancy would not be possible to run by me in such a short time period."

Quantifying uncertainty in palaeoecological data

"During the consultancy I learned a great deal about how to program efficiently, implement unit testing, and how seemingly tiny changes to a script can have a great effect on the required time and computer resources."