We allow students, academics, alumni and researchers to get secure and seamless access to our computer resources using one set of credentials granted by their home organisation.
"I appreciate their methodical approach and the computational tools they were able to introduce to the project, which were essential in enabling the research."
"Access to NeSI was crucial for our work. It allowed us to perform highly accurate quantum Monte Carlo simulations in a reasonable amount of time. The results were crucial for demonstrating the efficacy of our new approach to simulating Fermi gasses."
"People who have a deep understanding of NeSI’s systems and computational modelling are an incredible resource and we are glad to have access to the resources that NeSI provides.”
“I know I can write to NeSI whenever I need to. They’re incredibly intelligent, incredibly supportive, and the turnaround time on solutions is just wonderful."
“Without a doubt, we would not have been able to undertake the development work for this project as quickly or efficiently without the support from NeSI.”
"The successful utilisation of NeSI infrastructure for her research made Dr Anna Garden a local expert fully capable of helping out experimental chemists at the University of Otago."