Andrew Chen NeSI case study image processing

Supporting new innovations in image processing

“Having access to NeSI computing resources means that we can keep up with the state-of-the-art research in this area, otherwise we simply would not be able to run our code in a reasonable time.”
Scott Lockwood NeSI Case Study University of Otago

Providing global context to the marine methane paradox

“Parsing through this amount of information requires machines with plenty of memory and computing power.”

Understanding environmental processes on a microbial level

"High performance computing is essential for researchers working with large and complex genomic datasets. "

Squeezing performance from community code SPECFEM3D

"I appreciate the NeSI staff’s assistance in helping me move to NeSI's Cray XC50 supercomputer and achieving this significant boost in productivity."

Exploring the rupture process of the Kaikoura earthquake

“Without NeSI’s supercomputer, we cannot run the software with a sufficient resolution for the research problem.”
Fault zone research

Cataloguing NZ’s earthquake activities

“Because we can analyse such large datasets with NeSI, we can generate large catalogues of earthquakes and look at earthquake occurrence over much longer periods of time.”

Priorities for conservation of NZ’s ecosystems and species

“Ben helped us start to think outside of the limitations of running this analysis on our local machine to considering the possibilities of running hundreds and thousands of iterations."
Pieris brassicae

Predictive models to combat invasive species

“To run a large number of simulations and scenarios, we needed more computational power.”

Building genomics connections across the Tasman

“The training workshops provided an excellent introduction to the GVL environment and there is definitely potential for considering it as part of our compute offerings for Genomics Aotearoa.”
NIWA Weather Related Hazards research programme

Water conservation applies to weather models too

"NeSI’s support on this project has been extremely valuable and will improve the accuracy of our flood forecasts.”