LFRic UK Met Office Case Study

The development of next generation weather and climate models is heating up

The LFRic development effort involves international partners from New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Korea, and India.
NeSI Case Study Victor Canela University of Auckland

Understanding the behaviours of light

"It’s a new landscape we can explore with these techniques."
NeSI Case Study Erik Behrens Jonny Williams NIWA

Getting closer to more accurate climate predictions for New Zealand

"Researchers will be using this model for ground-breaking research."
NeSI Case Study Ann McCartney Genomics Aotearoa Hero Image

How Genomics Aotearoa and NeSI tackled a big problem (and won)

"Honestly, I have worked on a lot of clusters and I have never had the type of user support that NeSI supply."
Stephen Wolfson NeSI Case Study University of Auckland

Fractal analysis of brain signals for autism spectrum disorder

“NeSI’s participation in our project is essential. It allows us to have a more robust computational capacity.”
NeSI Case Study Vladimir Bubanja Graphene

Exploring the remarkable properties of graphene

"To guide our future activities, we need the access to NeSI's high performance computing facilities."
NeSI Case Study June Lau University of Auckland

Computer models could help reduce surgery cancellations

“It’s been amazing to be able to use NeSI to do that because it means we can change different parameters in our simulation model and through that we can do wider scenario analysis.”
NeSI NIWA case study

How NeSI and NIWA help the UK Met Office develop next generation weather analysis tools

Interpolation is ubiquitous in climate and weather models. NeSI team members Alexander Pletzer and Wolfgang Hayek have developed a new interpolation method that will improve the UK Met Office's ability to forecast weather events.
NeSI Case Study Tra Dinh University of Auckland

Investigating climate sensitivity

“The numerical simulations and predictions of the Earth’s climate, which are an essential component of my research, are not possible without NeSI’s high computing facility.”
NeSI Case Study Yiming Peng

Taking machine learning further

“I couldn't imagine how long my PhD journey would go if I hadn't used the high performance computing resources of NeSI."