NeSI Case Study Tony Merriman

Finding genetic help for Māori health

“We’re using NeSI to allow us to do gene alignments – sequencing millions of small segments of DNA."
NeSI Case Study Brendon Bradley QuakeCORE

Simulating earthquakes for a safer future

We understand the basic physics, but the complexity is such we can’t use intuition to understand these problems. To understand and quantify these phenomena, we need to throw a supercomputer at them.”
NeSI Case Study Blair Blakie

Bose Einstein condensate may reveal supersolid’s secrets

There have been several experimentalists that claim to have observed the supersolid state, but none of the experiments have been clear enough to make the claim unequivocal.
NeSI Case Study Daniel White

Controlling invasive predators with local research

“The support at NeSI has been great. If I had a problem with software running, or need a new program installed, they were there. It’s saved a lot of time.”
NeSI Case Study Timothy Bilton Ken Dodds AgResearch

Optimising tools used for genetic analysis

“NeSI helped our team profile our code to detect inefficiencies and helped improve our code, allowing us to run our analyses faster.”
David Welch Water Xie NeSI Case Study

Addressing key questions in evolution

"Without NeSI, these computationally intensive studies would simply not be viable."
Eddie Beetham NeSI Case Study University of Auckland

Model reveals islands at risk of coastal flooding

"Sea level rise will have a compounding effect for coastal flooding on reef coastlines."
Nooriyah Lohani NeSI

Bridging gaps and building collaborations within NZ research communities

NeSI's new Research Communities Advisor is aiming to connect researchers with digital resources and services that can help advance their projects.
NeSI Case Study David Coppin University of Auckland

Tracking coastal precipitation systems in the tropics

"The new code implemented is much faster and runs more efficient on NeSI platforms, which allows me to concentrate more on my research and less on computer science aspects."
Annika Seppala NeSI case study climate simulations

Powering global climate simulations

"The fact that NeSI can provide support to things like getting the code to work puts New Zealand in an amazing position worldwide.”