Case studies
NeSI empowers New Zealand researchers to tackle large or highly complicated problems and to investigate scientific challenges that were previously impossible.
Twenty case studies were published on NeSI's website in 2019, highlighting the ways NeSI resources, support, and expertise delivered impact and benefit to the New Zealand research sector.

- Developing better diagnosis methods for autism spectrum disorder
- A fast model for predicting floods and storm damage
- Making waves in global food production technology
- Understanding the structure of gold and platinum nanoclusters
- Preparing students for 21st Century research
- Machine learning for marine mammals
- A partnership approach to building skills in New Zealand’s genomics research sector
- Parallel processing for ocean life
- New insights into endemic species
- How NeSI and NIWA help the UK Met Office develop next generation weather analysis tools
- Exploring the remarkable properties of graphene
- Getting closer to more accurate climate predictions for New Zealand
- Understanding the behaviours of light
- Development of next generation weather and climate models is heating up
- Modelling the careers of cricket players
- Heating up nanowires with HPC
- NeSI support helps keep New Zealand rivers healthy
- Future planning through high-resolution wave modelling
- How multithreading and vectorisation can speed up seismic simulations by 40%
- Raising the profile of diversity and inclusion in NZ research and science communities
- NeSI and Genomics Aotearoa celebrate inaugural Metagenomics Summer School success
Case Studies