A national collaboration
All researchers in New Zealand have access to NeSI’s specialised high performance computing (HPC) resources, including tailored software environments and data management services, and skills training in computational research tools and approaches.
These services are underpinned by the nation’s most advanced high performance computation and data science facility, a shared national research infrastructure facility invested into by NeSI’s partners — MBIE, the University of Auckland, NIWA, University of Otago, and Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research.

Together, NeSI and its collaborators are building high-performing science and innovation systems that transform New Zealand into a more diverse, technologically advanced, and smart nation.

The power behind researchers
Driven by the needs of researchers for high-performance productivity, NeSI designs, builds, and operates a specialised platform of shared HPC infrastructure and a range of eResearch services.
NeSI’s collaborators – NIWA, the University of Auckland, University of Otago, and Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research – play an essential role in this national platform by investing in the infrastructure, employing NeSI team members at their institutions (as pictured in the map at right), and enabling NeSI to connect with and respond to the evolving needs of research communities.
Together with MBIE, NeSI and its collaborators ensure computational research projects in New Zealand are backed by the power and support necessary to make them a reality.