Join our online Office Hour sessions in February 2024!Session will be hosted on Zoom. Click on the link below to save the date & Zoom link to your Google calendar. All details indicated below a... Read more

NeSI is looking for an experienced DevOps and Integration Programmer to join our team on a fixed term (6 months) basis. You will design and implement a suite of open-source products underpinning an... Read more

The Carpentries is a global program to teach foundational computational and data management skills to researchers. New Zealand trains several potential Carpentries Instructor trainees every year an... Read more

In March 2024, NeSI will be offering a virtual Machine Learning 101 workshop and you are invited to fill out an expression of interest form to signal your interest in attending. Date for the worksh... Read more

Nisha Ghatak, NeSI Research Communities Advisor and Training Lead, has been elected to the Board of Directors of The Carpentries, a global community focused on teaching coding and data science skil... Read more

View of the Earth from space, with a binary grid overlaid. Image by Yassay, Pixabay.

Improving the vector field representation in next generation climate simulations

"The benefits are of particular relevance to the regridding of atmospheric data on the globe."
Photo of stock in a fenced dry area.

New tool revolutionising drought forecasts

“This tool enables us to give more frequent and district-level predictions of rainfall, dryness, and drought. Providing advanced warning of future dry spells will be invaluable.”
Georgina Rae (NeSI) and Ben Taylor (AgResearch) presenting on the NeSI and AgResearch partnership.

Reflections on designing and delivering a future-focused eResearch Platform

Both NeSI and AgResearch are discovering and learning about how best to support and develop a rich national eResearch ecosystem.
Footbridge damaged by flood, Te Auaunga creek walkway. Auckland 28 January 2023. Photo by Paul Left.

A scalable digital elevation builder for flood mapping

"NeSI is really the only platform for producing our hydrologic condition digital elevation models at the national scale."

When Cyclone Gabrielle blew through Aotearoa in February 2023, it unleashed unprecedented rainfall, triggered widespread flooding and landslip events, and caused significant damage to homes and inf... Read more