Example image of the cubed-sphere mesh used by the next generation climate and weather forecasting code LFRic.

Diving deeper into earth data analysis

"We are in a better position to make informed decisions about how to work with data in these next generation models and now have access to tools which go beyond previous existing capabilities."
Photos of nerves and neural cells on the heart atrial surface before (left) and after (right) deconvolution.

Supporting faster paths to heart disease insights

"Their engagement prompted us to review our coding and testing methods which has an impact beyond just this project."
screenshot of NIWA's drought forecasting tool

Combining physics and artificial intelligence for high-resolution climate projections and sub-seasonal-to-seasonal forecasts

“A lot of learning was trial and error, but it was great to have the support to help us set up scripts."
A view from Ruthe Point on Rotoroa Island, looking southwest over the Hauraki Gulf.  Image: RadishSlice, Wikimedia Commons

Modelling water quality in catchment of the Hauraki Gulf

"A welcome aspect was the very patient supportive approach of the consultants in training novice NeSI users to actually learn and use NeSI..."
An illustration of atoms latticed together. Image by MasterTux from Pixabay.

Superatom modelling unlocks the next generation of materials

"NeSI allowed us to predict these structures without experimental data. This saved money and hundreds of hours of synthesis time."
Illustration of an electrocardiogram reading.

Hearts aflutter for pacemaker simulation

"This was my first time using the kind of HPC, so the support team helped a lot. I am very grateful for that."
Example of a domain decomposition allowing each processor to solve a subpart of the entire problem.

Improving tools to model seismic wave behaviour and predict earthquake impacts

"Simulations used to take 24 hours, now I get results back in 2 hours. It has changed the way I work."

Powering novel approaches to modelling earthquake behaviours

"Not only does the simulation work complete quickly now, but I’ve learnt a lot about the HPCs and sophisticated computational tools which will be necessary for future developments."

Scaling up the analysis of simulations on nanowire stability

"This has helped me to scale up my research capabilities not only with this work, but also with future endeavours too."
Abstract graphic with binary numbers and rectangles.

Picture perfect HPC image analysis

Jingli Lu needed High Performance Computing (HPC) performance for hyperspectral image analysis. She had some HPC knowledge but when problems occurred, NeSI team members jumped in to help integrate new tools and troubleshoot her experience.