New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) is pleased to announce that Fiona Carswell, Chief Scientist at Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, has been appointed to the NeSI Board of Directors.As a long-time and active member of New Zealand’s research sector, she brings valuable experience and leadership to the NeSI Board. “Research is a collaborative enterprise so I’m very pleased to be able to contribute to NeSI’s strategies and activities to achieve even greater collaboration through the NeSI Board,” she says.
Latest from the Community
Navigating the ins and outs of New Zealand’s computational research system can be tricky, particularly if a researcher is new to using digital tools to support their work.That’s where Nooriyah Lohani, NeSI’s new Research Communities Advisor, can help. Since joining the NeSI team in June 2018, she has immersed herself in the community, participating in research events, training sessions, and networking activities in order to connect researchers with digital resources and services that can help advance their projects.
On 25 Sept 2018, NeSI and Cray brought together innovators in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to explore the impacts and opportunities for machine learning in New Zealand's research ecosystem.
Over the last decade, Blair Bethwaite has had a front-row seat for some major evolutions in the types and applications of technologies supporting research. Through roles at Monash University and collaborations with Nectar and OpenStack, he’s personally helped usher in new research software developments, high performance computing platforms, and cloud architectures. Now, he’s joined NeSI as its new Solutions Manager, putting him in a prime position to help NeSI navigate an evolution of its own.
Please join us in welcoming two new members to the NeSI team!
(07 November 2018) - Research, Science and Innovation Minister Dr Megan Woods today officially opened New Zealand’s High Performance Computing Facility at NIWA’s campus in Wellington.The High Performance Computing Facility comprises three new interconnected supercomputers – two based in Wellington and one in Auckland – that will meet the needs of New Zealand researchers to investigate scientific issues of national significance.
For the last 10 years, the eResearch NZ conference series has provided an important national forum for strategic discussions, community building, and career development.Our eResearch NZ 2019 theme of People. Powered. Research. will bring together researchers across disciplines and communities who are exploring or innovating the ways digital tools can be used to support and advance research outcomes in NZ and internationally.
We're pleased to announce the 10th Annual eResearch NZ conference, co-hosted by NeSI and REANNZ, will take place 18-20 February 2019 at the Heritage Hotel in Auckland, NZ.eResearchNZ, as a national forum for discussion, aims to:
The 2018 Science Coding Conference was held in Rotorua during 2-3 August at the Scion Campus, set in a backdrop of the redwood forest.It was a great turn out with researchers, research software engineers, programmers from Universities (Massey University, Waikato University) and Crown research institutes (ESR, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Plant and Food Research, GNS Science) around the country totalling to about 30 attendees.
Do you develop software used in research? Your input is needed as part of an international survey to learn more about the characteristics, opinions, and career opportunities for Research Software Engineers (RSEs).