
Latest from the Community

We're pleased to announce the 10th Annual eResearch NZ conference, co-hosted by NeSI and REANNZ, will take place 18-20 February 2019 at the Heritage Hotel in Auckland, NZ.eResearchNZ, as a national forum for discussion, aims to:

The 2018 Science Coding Conference was held in Rotorua during 2-3 August at the Scion Campus, set in a backdrop of the redwood forest.It was a great turn out with researchers, research software engineers, programmers from Universities (Massey University, Waikato University) and Crown research institutes (ESR, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, Plant and Food Research, GNS Science) around the country totalling to about 30 attendees.

Do you develop software used in research? Your input is needed as part of an international survey to learn more about the characteristics, opinions, and career opportunities for Research Software Engineers (RSEs).

With our new platform Mahuika up and running, we have said goodbye to Pan, one of the original workhorses in NeSI's national platform. Over the last six years, Pan provided outstanding service for New Zealand researchers and helped position New Zealand alongside the world’s leading nations in accelerating research through advanced computing.

Across industries we hear the rate of disruption by digital technologies is increasing, and for some it is exponential. In the research sector, our communities can lay claim to inventing many such technologies, such as the Internet and the World Wide Web.

We have finalised most of our dates for user training sessions to help you get started on NeSI new platforms. These sessions will be introductory and cover the basics of getting started on NeSI's new platforms - Mahuika and Māui.

New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) has long been a supporter, advocate, and partner of Software Carpentry and now The Carpentries. The nurturing and collaborative values of this global community align well with NeSI’s own values and enable us to increase the capability of New Zealand researchers - our organisational purpose.

Over the last few months, NeSI has added some new members to its team. Please join us in welcoming:Attribution: Nancy Lin

A record level of data travelled over the REANNZ network last month as NeSI began moving the first wave of its users’ research data to its new platforms.Tens of millions of files and hundreds of terabytes of data are being migrated between NeSI’s Pan cluster at the University of Auckland and its new Mahuika supercomputer at NIWA’s High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF) in Wellington.

Registration is now open and submissions are welcomed for the 2018 Science Coding Conference in Rotorua from August 1-3, 2018. Now in its third year, this is one of the few opportunities where scientific programmers, software engineers, developers, IT managers, coding enthusiasts and big data analysts from NZ Crown Research Institutes, universities, and other public sector organisations can gather in one place to share and discuss how they’re supporting NZ’s research ecosystem.