| | - Winter bootcamp: an Auckland Software Carpentry workshop
- Registration now open for eResearch Australasia 2016
- Software Carpentry workshop at the University of Canterbury
- CRI Coding Conference 2016
- Calling all Software Carpentry workshop attendees!
- In other news...
- Recent research outputs
Winter bootcamp: an Auckland Software Carpentry workshopNeSI and the University of Auckland joined forces to host a Software Carpentry workshop at the University of Auckland City campus on July 11-12, 2016. Juliana Osorio-Jaramillo, Teererai Marange, Chen Wang, and Kaitlin Logie prepared the following blog about the event: "A two day Software Carpentry Workshop with Python was held at the University of Auckland 11-12th July as part of Winter Bootcamp. For myself, it was the first time helping with Software Carpentry training. It was a great experience to assist as a collaborator, helping others resolving problems with software installation and hands-on exercises, but also learning from all the unexpected situations that could happen with different people around the room, with different laptops, configurations, and different sets of skills." Read more...
Registration now open for eResearch Australasia 2016eResearch Australasia 2016 will be held from October 10 to 14 in Melbourne. The conference provides opportunities for delegates to engage, connect, and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information centric research capabilities, and how information and communication technologies help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, store, find, understand and re-use information.This year’s theme is “eResearch – the next steps” Register now for this excellent event! Read more...
Software Carpentry workshop at the University of CanterburyOn the 22nd and 23rd of June the University of Canterbury hosted a two-day Software Carpentry course. The instructors - Paul Gardner, Richard Clare, and Constantine Zakkaroff - are all certified Software Carpentry instructors from the University of Canterbury. They were aided by three helpers: Christopher Thomson, Viktor Polak and Michael Gauland. Organising the event was greatly assisted by Sung Bae of NeSI. NeSI also sponsored the refreshments for the coffee breaks during the workshop. Read more...
CRI Coding Conference 2016Software development is fundamental to a plethora of research endeavours these days, including at New Zealand’s Crown Research Institutes (CRIs). However, those writing the codes don’t often get the opportunity to ‘talk shop’ with people outside of their own organisation. NeSI and Science NZ are excited to bring you the CRI Coding Conference 2016. Running from August 2 to 3 at NIWA's head office in Auckland, this two-day workshop is an opportunity for developers from across all the CRIs in New Zealand to engage with their peers, share ideas, challenges and opportunities, and learn about the technology landscapes being adopted by other CRIs. Read more... 
Calling all Software Carpentry workshop attendees!Have you attended a NeSI Software Carpentry workshop? If yes, we would like to hear from you! Belinda Weaver at The University of Queensland is collecting feedback from the participants as a part of her MPhil project "The Efficacy and Usefulness of Software Carpentry Training". Your opinions will help not only her but the everyone running the Software Carpentry workshops. We would like to ask for ten minutes of your time to complete a satisfaction survey about the training. Read more... |
Recent research outputsBelow is a sample of recent research outputs that NeSI has been made aware of: We are always interested in hearing about research outputs generated with the help of NeSI. To notify NeSI of upcoming publications, please email pubs@nesi.org.nz. If you would like to be kept up to date with research outputs as NeSI includes them, please join our Mendeley Group. |
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