100% recommend workshop to others

In early May, the University of Otago hosted a workshop entitled “High Performance Computing for Research”. It was one of our most successful yet.

The workshop was well attended. Participants spanned many areas, including biochemistry, computer science, cancer genetics and physics. Participants were from several organisations, including AgResearch, Landcare Research, Otago University, Animation Research Ltd and Datacom.

Some of the really great news was that all respondents (100%) agreed with the following three statements:

  • Did the workshop meet your expectations?
  • Would you recommend subsequent workshops to others?
  • Are you more likely to use NeSI's HPC platforms now?

It was clear from the free text that respondents really enjoyed the mix of presentations and hands-on sessions.

I really liked having a practical lab session with c & python.

Thanks for the brilliant presentation.

Exposure to a mix of theoretical background and examples of applications throughout the day was a good idea.

Internal thinking was also very positive. "We had a large and enthusastic audience. Securing venues is always challenging during term time. Knowing that everyone got a lot out of it makes the wrangling much easier," says NeSI staff member Peter Maxwell, who is based at the University of Otago.

Arrange the next workshop

NeSI is available to facilitate workshops relating to high performance computing and scientific programming.

The instructor pool is drawn from across the country. For the workshop this month, staff flew in from Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. The team has a wide range of expertise and is experienced at combining domain-specific knowledge and technical expertise. Please email us to discuss what might work for you.

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