NeSI sponsors Multicore World 2014

The Multicore World 2014 conference is happening in Auckland later this month. NeSI is proud to be sponsoring the event. The event is fast becoming one of New Zealand’s premier events relating to parallelism on the chip as well as in software.

Increasing New Zealanders’ depth in parallel programming and programming of massive heterogeneous systems is something that is core to NeSI. The event will be an excellent mix of practical tools for programmers today and a taste of what’s on the horizon.

“We’re really excited to see speakers from the science domain in this year’s lineup” begins Nick Jones, NeSI Director. Speakers this year include Shaun Hendy and Nicola Gaston. “This reflects both New Zealand’s diversity and depth. The conference is sure to appeal to many.”

“In saying that, the community of New Zealanders who know this stuff is actually pretty small. We really encourage everyone from industry and the academy to get to know each other. One of Shaun’s lessons from his recent book is that we need to get better at building bridges between sectors.”

Staff from NeSI’s computational science team will be attending sessions throughout the two days. If there is a question that you’ve had about NeSI, you are very welcome to ask questions at any stage. You are also welcome to connect with the team via Twitter. See you in Auckland!