Diving into the next steps of delivering expanded computational capacity and capabilities to New Zealand researchers
With Mahuika’s expanded infrastructure now physically installed at Greta Point in Wellington, the NeSI Team is already diving into the next steps for delivering this expanded capacity and capabilities to New Zealeand research communities.
In particular, over the next few months, NeSI's Platforms team will be focused on preparing the systems for onboarding researchers in early 2022. Key activities related to that work are summarised in the timeline below:
December 2021 - HPE finalises performance testing and the NeSI Team begins installing additional operating system software and tools.
January 2022 - Finalise software installations and begin validating system operations and compute environment capabilities.
February - March 2022 - Roll out a phased onboarding of users through an ‘early access programme', targeting fit-for-purpose workloads.
April 2022 – Expanded Mahuika compute capacity available for April round of NeSI quarterly allocations.
Outside of working to get the additional capacity and updated technology to users, the NeSI Team is also overseeing a significant piece of work upgrading our platform provisioning approach (from Bright Cluster Manager to OpenStack) which will enable them to support our platform more efficiently and effectively.
We'll keep you updated as we finalise and progress through these upcoming tasks and timelines, especially once we get closer to having a production-ready system for access.
If you have any questions at any time, please get in touch.