eResearch NZ 2024 coming to Wellington, NZ from 7-9 February 2024
Celebrating its 15th year, the eResearch NZ conference series is coming to Wellington, NZ on 7-9 February 2024.
Co-hosted by NeSI, REANNZ, and Genomics Aotearoa, eResearch NZ is the premier national gathering for communities exploring or innovating the ways digital tools and techniques can be used to advance research outcomes.
A conference website is coming soon, along with abstract submission and registration details. For now, please bookmark 7-9 February 2024 in your calendar and share this save-the-date note across your networks:

What is eResearch NZ?
For the last 15 years, the eResearch NZ conference series has provided an important national forum for strategic discussions, community building, and career development.
Through presentations, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, the eResearch NZ conference aspires to:
- Showcase innovative work-in-progress or recent project results where digital tools were applied.
- Highlight current and emerging priorities, trends, and best practices in eResearch approaches.
- Provide opportunities for skills training, professional development, and mentoring in digital research tools and eResearch applications.
- Draw experience and inspiration from research programs and projects in other regions.
- Build communities of practice that foster and support collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and Vision Mātauranga approaches.
- Work collaboratively with mana whenua organisations to foster mutually beneficial contributions to the eResearch NZ programme.
Visit the 2023 event website for an idea of what the programme includes and past invited speakers.
- Attribution:eResearch NZ 2023 Conference Chair Mik Black closing the three-day event, themed Capability, Connectivity and Equity.
More information
Follow @eResearchNZ and join our mailing list for updates. If you have questions or would like to sponsor the conference, contact Maeghan Loehr, Event & Conference Planner, University of Auckland -