NeSI is very happy to introduce our two-women powerhouse Engagement team - Engagement Manager Georgina Rae and Research Communities Manager Aleksandra Pawlik.
Latest from the Community
Our colleagues at Compute Canada have recently analysed how using advanced computing resources impacts research outputs.
NeSI and Massey University joined together in June 2016 to present a Software Carpentry workshop at Massey's Palmerston North campus. Four of the trainers wrote the following blog about the successful event.
Winter Bootcamp is a week long training and education event co-ordinated by the Centre for eResearch at the University of Auckland from July 11 to 15, where you can upskill in a whole host of topics related to digital research practice.
The 4th Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE4) will be held at the School of Computer Science, Kilburn and IT Buildings, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK over 2 ½ days from September 12th at noon to September 14th at 5:00 pm, 2016.
NeSI is pleased to present its Annual Review for 2015. View as a PDF: NeSI-AnnualReview-2015.pdf or view using an online reader below:
News from NeSI and around the world for May.
NeSI’s National Platforms Framework - Consolidation & Refresh, improving our infrastructure for the future.
Robin Bensley joined NeSI as the Operations Manager in March 2016. Robin completed a Bachelor of Horticulture at Massey University before joining the Crown Research Institute Hort Research as a research associate. He then joined the science programme at the New Zealand Apple and Pear Board, setting up a national programme building forecasting tools to predict regional harvesting dates.
The RSE Conference 2016 in Manchester, England, is the first conference to focus exclusively on the issues that affect people who write and use software in research.