Webinar summary: Tips & tricks for hosting a successful online event
Running an event virtually doesn’t need to be stressful. With a bit of prep and the right support your online webinar, workshop, birds of a feather session, or meeting can be both engaging and purposeful.
So what are the top tips for running a successful online event? NeSI’s training lead, Megan Guidry, discussed the topic with the NZ training community at a webinar on 19 January 2022. Some of the tips that came out of the session are recorded below (including a long list of resources recommended by the community). The full webinar can be found on NeSI’s youtube channel.
Tips for the session host:
Write a script for the session opening/ closing. Reading works really well online and this will keep your intro short and snappy.
Remind people about zoom etiquette, including keeping video on if possible
decide on a helper backchannel beforehand
Tips for starting your session well:
Set audience expectations early by sharing the agenda (including breaks)
Let the audience know if/ when active participation will be required
Get people to test the tools that are relevant to your session as part of the session warmup (e.g. zoom chat, google doc)
Prepare prompts ahead of time (and a few backup prompts for the more quiet audiences)
Do an icebreaker exercise
Tips about tools:
Keep number of tools to a minimum
If you use breakout rooms it is good practice to have a facilitator in each room
Check out tools to use online under ‘RESOURCES’ below
Tips about recruiting the right helpers:
Loop in a Zoom DJ for managing breakout rooms, especially if you are not experienced with using them.
Assign a host or co-hosts for sessions that require careful timing, Q&A monitoring, or events that have a lot of moving parts
Workshop helpers are necessary for hands-on workshops. If you are running an interactive workshop online you will need about 1 helper for every 5 participants.
Assign a note-taker for your session if you want to write up a summary or blog post for your event
If you are using breakout rooms for your online session it is a good idea to have a facilitator in each breakout room who can keep conversation flowing, repeat instructions, or answer Qs.
Information for presenters and BoF hosts about the eResearch NZ 2022 online platform
Information about how the Carpentries uses collaborative documents (etherpad)
Some online polling options: zoom polls, slido, aha slides
Online whiteboard options: zoom whiteboard, MURAL, miro
Tools for networking online: zoom breakout rooms, gather.town, spatial chat
Aha slides as an alternative to slido https://ahaslides.com/
Hackmd.io can be useful for collaborative documents but has the overhead of markdown knowledge
excalidraw - virtual collaborative whiteboard tool, very popular with some of the Carpentries community, has a hand-drawn feel. Great for flow charts or making concept maps
Mentimeter - interactive presentation software
Figma - collaborative interface design tool
Stormboard - Online whiteboard and team collaboration
padlet - Example: https://padlet.com/ltuc007/m-ori-and-pacific-researchers-relationality-with-digital-too-c1ftjqw1jwox6144 - can share text, can upvote, share links, photos, etc.(much more colourful)
You can sign up for a free personal account on Mural as a virtual whiteboard https://www.mural.co/blog/mural-free
https://web.hypothes.is lets you annotate websites