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The NeSI Investment Case has been released, to inform the sector in greater detail on the coordinated investment into New Zealand eScience infrastructure.Further information will be released over the coming months, as the formal contracting stage comes to a close, and NeSI starts to move towards operational status.You can contact us for further information.

4 February 2011 Vice-Chancellor Professor Stuart McCutcheon says that The University of Auckland is delighted to host the National e-Science Infrastructure (NeSI), to be built over the next 4 years with nearly $50 million co-invested by the Government and partner research organisations. “The University has an excellent track-record in e-Research leadership and is committed to investing in this important new infrastructure,” says Professor McCutcheon.

Cabinet announced earlier today that the Government will invest $27.4 million over the next four years in the National eScience Infrastructure (NeSI). Research organisations are co-investing more than $21 million over the same period. This investment includes both high performance computers and the development and operation of ‘eScience services’, which will help New Zealand’s research community leverage the infrastructure effectively.

The Government is investing in a network of high-performance computers to keep New Zealand researchers at the cutting edge of science. Over the next four years the Government will invest more than $27.4 million in the National eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) network. It will be made up of linked supercomputers and associated services such as software and data storage. “NeSI will power research that will deliver on the Government’s top priority – growing the economy,” Science and Innovation Minister Wayne Mapp said today.

Our proposal through RIAG and the Ministry of Science and Innovation for an investment into HPC and eScience was completed in late 2010. We're now awaiting a formal response from Cabinet and our Minister. We are hoping to hear more in mid to late January 2011.