eRNZ 2017 | Call for Submissions - 3 week extension

Great news, there’s still time to submit an abstract for eResearch NZ 2017!
Abstract submissions were due to close tomorrow however we have extended submissions for another three weeks.
Submissions now close on Wednesday 16th November 2016. There will be no further extensions provided after this date, so please ensure you get your abstracts in.
We welcome submissions for lightning talks, presentations, posters, and workshops of work underway or complete within the last year.
To find out more on how to submit your abstract, visit our conference website by clicking here
The conference theme for 2017 is “Shaping the Digital Future; Opportunities for Australia & NZ Science Communities”. This theme will guide the following four streams designed to ensure you maximise your time at eResearch NZ 2017
Strategic Executive Gather key stakeholders to work together to achieve a combined focus for digital transformation in research
Research Innovation Using peer to peer sharing of innovative work practices to influence research communities nationally
Research IT Technical Building awareness and engagement with IT practitioners involved in the Research Community
Early Career Researchers Helping researchers in their analyses by encouraging sharing practices with fellow researchers, and an opportunity for professional development and mentoring.
Key datesWednesday 26 October 2016, at 11.59pm NZST - Abstract submission close 3 week extension
Wednesday 16 November 2016, at 11.59pm NZST – Extension – Abstract submissions Close
Monday 28 November 2016 – Presenters will be notified of their abstract results
Friday 02 December 2016 - Programme announcement
Thursday 15 December 2016 – Presenters are required to be registered for the conference to guarantee a place in the programme, Early-bird registrations close
Please feel free to contact Claudia Bell, Conference Coordinator, if you have any questions about eRNZ 2017.
We look forward to seeing you at eResearch NZ 2017 in February.