Participate in New Zealand's premier postgraduate ICT conference

The 14th New Zealand Computer Science Research Student Conference (NZCSRSC) will be held at Victoria University of Wellington between 28 and 29 April 2016.
This is the premier postgraduate conference promoting ICT research in New Zealand, the main aim of which is to strengthen New Zealand's ICT community by bringing students together to share their research, and establish contacts that will support future careers. Students will gain experience in writing, submitting, reviewing and presenting their research in a supportive environment. The conference will consist of formal presentations and a poster session showcasing leading ICT research in New Zealand, along with exciting invited keynotes and workshops.
This is a great opportunity to showcase your own research, exchange ideas, give and receive feedback, and discuss collaboration with other research students.
As part of hosting this unique group, VUW is looking to make connections with fellow researchers and industry, and is asking industry to propose talks on topics that may be of interest. Examples might include talks describing interesting research or technical problems or perhaps providing some insights to the question of what comes next after postgraduate study completes. Time slots available including any Q&A, are 20 or 40 minutes.
VUW also intend to host a panel talk with recent PhD and Masters graduates to discuss their experience of the transition from study to employment. They would like to hear from industry volunteers who would enjoy contributing to this panel. Also open to industry, the NZCSRSC is hosting a hands on workshop on Software Defined Networks, a networking technology embraced by companies like Google, Microsoft, Cisco, HP and others and being taught at Victoria University.
This is a great opportunity to be placed in front of the next generation of highly educated computer science graduates in a relaxed friendly environment. If you would like to be involved, contact Matthew Stevens or check the event website for more information.