May Newsletter

News and events from NeSI
Issue No. 21
May 2015

Case Study: Improving the treatment of heart disease

A common treatment for narrowed arteries is ‘Percutaneous Coronary Intervention’ or PCI, where a wire mesh tube, or ‘stent’, is inserted into the narrowed blood vessel and expanded to hold it open. The expansion of the stent compresses the abnormal build-up of atheroma narrowing the artery. This study investigates the link between stent design features, the changes they cause in blood flow (haemodynamics), and the impact on patient outcome. Many simulation time steps were required to accurately represent the rapidly changing flow conditions in the coronaries with each simulation contained approximately 20 million elements, and used multi-threading over six cores with 40CPU with 20GB memory each. Read more

eResearch Australasia 2015

Call for participation

This year's ninth annual eResearch Australasia conference will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. eResearch Australasia provides opportunities for delegates to engage, connect, and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information centric research capabilities, and how information and communication technologies help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, store, find, understand and re-use information.

The theme for this conference is Fuelling the knowledge economy

Conference participants can opt to present workshops, presentations, point/counterpoint debates, birds of a feather sessions (BoFs), enlightening talks or panels. Click here to participate

eScience 2015

The annual IEEE eScience conference will be held in Munich, Germany from 31st August to 4th September 2015.

The eScience 2015 conference is designed to bring together leading international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. The conference aims to serve as a forum to present recent research advances in eScience and highlight associated activities worldwide, providing an outlook of challenges and opportunities we will face in the future. Programme Committee member and NeSI Director Nick Jones suggests the meeting offers New Zealand research leaders opportunity to engage with the international communities driving developments in eScience, and comments "eScience 2015 is shaping up as a 'must see' event covering the latest global developments in ICT underpinning the way we do research."

eScience promotes innovation in collaborative, computationally- or data-intensive research across all disciplines, throughout the research lifecycle. This conference will not only enable more efficient research activities within disciplines, but also support wide range of transdisciplinary collaboration and sharing of best practices between established researchers, citizen scientists and other interested parties, and with the society as a whole.

Registration for IEEE eScience 2015 is still open. The early rates are available until 30th June. Click here to register

NZ Software Carpentry Workshops

Otago and Palmerston North regions in June 2015

NeSI in collaboration with Massey University and University of Otago are offering Software Carpentry Workshops in the Otago and Palmerston North regions. 

The first workshop will be in Otago on 18-19 June followed by a workshop in Palmerston North on 23-24 June. Signup quickly if you want to guarantee yourself a spot! If you do miss out on these opportunities stay tuned as NeSI will be offering more workshops like these during the year in other regions.

The Software Carpentry workshops teach basic, yet important computing skills for researchers including shell, version control and basic programming, such that they can be more effective and productive in their research. NeSI is pleased to be able to offer this as part of our nationwide education and training initiatives as an official affiliate of the Software Carpentry Foundation. Click here to register for these workshops


Doctoral Showcase and Early Career Program

This year’s SC Conference will be held in Austin, TX. SC15 brings together the international supercomputing community for an exceptional program of technical papers, informative tutorials, timely research posters and Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions.

The SC15 Technical Program includes a Doctoral Showcase that provides an important opportunity for students near the end of their Ph.D. to present a summary of their dissertation research in the form of short talks and posters.  

There is also a one day Early Career Program that targets early career professionals, such as assistant professors at universities or staff at a national laboratory. 

Mozilla Science Lab

Australasia Community Call in May and Global Sprint 2015 from 4-5 June 

The first Australasia Community Call is coming up on Thursday, May 28 at 10 AM AEST; the call is open to the public, and call in details can be found on the call etherpad, where you can also find notes and the agenda. Science Lab Community Calls take place each month and highlight recent developments and work of the community relevant to science and the web. 

This call with feature some of the people based in Australia & New Zealand who are leading projects for the fast-approaching Mozilla Science Global Sprint, coming up from 4-5 June. Click here for details on the Global Sprint 2015

Research Data Alliance

Future directions survey

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is conducting the RDA future directions survey. The survey's goal is to identify future directions of RDA as an emerging volunteer-driven organization and to ascertain how to harness the power of RDA members to support RDA mission and activities. Click here to participate

eResearch NZ 2016

Nominations for Programme Committee

Next year's eResearch NZ 2016 conference will take place at Queenstown in February 2016. This event will be led by REANNZ with NZGL and NeSI as co-hosts. Nominations for the conference programme committee are currently being accepted. Click here to make a nomination

Recent research outputs

Below is a sample of research outputs that NeSI has been made aware of. To notify NeSI of upcoming publications, please email
  • Seismic source spectra and estimated stress drop derived from cohesive-zone models of circular subshear rupture. Y. Kaneko and P. M. Shearer. Geophysical Journal International. 10.1002/2014JB011642
  • Primate DNA suggests long-term stability of an African rainforest. J. M. Allen, M. M. Miyamoto, C-H. Wu, T. E. Carter, J. Ungvari-Martin, K. Magrini and C. A. Chapman. Ecology and Evolution10.1002/ece3.395
If you would like to be kept up to date with research outputs as NeSI includes them, please join our Mendeley group.

Have a question?

If you would like to ask anything, please email us