HardHack NZ

HardHack NZ is a one-day community event where code meets design to become something awesome!

The hackfest is a 12-hour, team-based, hardware hackathon event where participants conceive and deliver a prototype of a solution for a problem.

Makers, designers, coders and crafters can come together, form a team and work together in a fun environment to come up with a prototype for a problem presented by domain experts in Health, Agriculture, Environment and more. But don't worry, you can bring your own problems too - the organisers just want to see teams have fun and demonstrate what the Number 8 wire mentality looks like in the 21st century! There are 3d printers, arduinos, sensors and nourishment to ensure you have everything you need to hack out solutions.

So go along on June 6th, 8am to Hutt library and enjoy a great day of making and tinkering. (There are prizes!)

When : Saturday 6th June
Where : Hutt Library, cnr Queens Dr and Woburn Rd.

You can read more here: http://hardhack.nz

You can sign up directly here: http://www.meetup.com/WellingtonMakers/events/222515861/

You can email for more info here : hackathon@makers.org.nz