Tuakiri Access Federation

In 2014, NeSI continued to operate Tuakiri, New Zealand Access Federation Inc. as a going concern, supported its membership, and enabled researchers by facilitating their access to computing resources and collaboration environments using their own institutional single-sign-on credentials.

From January 2014 to March 2015 Tuakiri facilitated 157,000 authentication sessions for users and maintained a highly available (99%) platform. There were thirteen new Service Providers registered across a mix of national and international services, and one new Identity Provider registration – AgResearch. Tuakiri membership includes all eight NZ universities, seven Crown research institutes, and one ITP institute.

Since early in 2014 NeSI has been working with the Tuakiri Incorporated Society and REANNZ to explore the best possible future for Tuakiri. A plan is currently under consideration that proposes merging Tuakiri into REANNZ, offering strong prospects for growth and enhanced value to the membership. We look forward to working with REANNZ and the membership to bring these plans into effect.

In 2015, Tuakiri will consult the membership on shared service access requirements and enable business & productivity cloud services, research and scholarly services, grow member participation, access to relevant services, and increase federated identity management session transactions in the federation. 

Read more about Tuakiri.
