Willkommen Wolfgang!

Wolfgang Hayek joins NeSI as an HPC Scientific Programmer at NIWA’s Greta Point campus in Wellington.

He and his family have just arrived from Germany and they are looking forward to their new lives in the antipodes. As they are all huge fans of mountains, wilderness, and good food, New Zealand was an obvious choice.

Wolfgang started his career as an astrophysicist, specialising in 3D radiative transfer and the physics of stellar atmospheres, and grew very fond of HPC and scientific computing during that time. He spent a year in the UK as a postdoc at the University of Exeter, then joined a medical devices company in Berlin to work on a variety of large-scale statistical data analysis and computing problems.

As the jet lag is slowly wearing off, Wolfgang is looking forward to contributing to some challenging projects in the NeSI community.

Willkommen bei NeSI, Wolfgang!

Wolfgang Hayek
Wolfgang Hayek

