NeSI becomes Software Carpentry Affiliate
We are very pleased to announce that New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) has become an affiliate member of the Software Carpentry Foundation.

Partnering with Software Carpentry continues NeSI's work towards growing computing capability across the breadth of the New Zealand research system. NeSI began life in 2011 as a collaboration across five New Zealand research institutions, and now delivers national computational and analytics capabilities, both platforms and expertise, to research projects across the entire sector. With NeSI's founding in collaboration, the adoption of Software Carpentry fits well with the way NeSI works with researchers, institutions, and other partners, on advancing high tech skills, capabilities, and infrastructure.
NeSI is holding the first two of it's ongoing Software Carpentry bootcamps later in February in New Zealand, and is looking forward to offering support for researchers across New Zealand as this programme rolls out.

Sung Bae working with Greg Wilson of Software Carpentry and presenting to the #ResBaz instructor trainees in Melbourne this week.