NeSI Annual Survey for 2014

Less than 5 minutes time commitment...

Please provide your feedback on any experiences with NeSI's services and team, and on your needs, so that we can continue to deliver services you value. 

Click here to respond

NeSI is entering its second phase of providing services to the research sector and has grown to support over 700 researchers nationwide across every University and Crown Research Institute in New Zealand. As the team approaches 2015, we are considering how to best meet existing and new research sector needs. Your feedback will guide our plans and future directions.

Please share this message: Feedback is welcome from everyone with any experiences with NeSI's services and team.
Click here to forward this message.

On behalf of the team, thank you for your time and all the best for your summer break.

Best wishes,
Nick Jones

Director, New Zealand eScience Infrastucture
