Call for Participation

eResearch NZ 2015 welcomes submissions for 5 minute lightning talks, 15 minute presentations, posters, workshops and demonstrations of work underway or complete within the last year.


The conference will act as a national forum for discussion around the following themes:

  • Working together on aligning longer term planning across institutions, infrastructures and with research communities.
  • Training for researchers, to make use of infrastructure capabilities and advanced tools and services to advance research.
  • Showcasing and demonstrating collaboration and delivery of leading-edge eResearch capabilities, across institutions and with research infrastructures.

Submissions should focus on work currently underway or recently completed. Ideal contributions expose the cultural, organisational, and technical considerations in developing eResearch capabilities.

Please download the participation guide to view further information about the types of submissions accepted

All submissions are to be submitted on the submission template provided.

Important Dates

Wednesday 17 December 2014

First round of submissions close

Friday 19 
December 2014

Presenters included in the first round of submissions informed whether or not their proposal has been accepted.

Wednesday 21
January 2015

Final round of submissions close 

Tuesday 27 
January 2015

All presenters informed whether or not their proposal has been accepted.
Monday 09
February 2015

All presenters will need to have registered for the conference to guarantee a place in the programme.  Note that this is also the early-bird registration deadline


If you have any questions, please contact the conference organiser: Claudia Bell
