NeSI presents New Zealand research infrastructure to the world

Over the last several months, NeSI staff have been involved in a number of events showcasing New Zealand’s model for developing national research (e-)infrastructures.

NeSI, REANNZ and NZ Genomics are all exemplars of an overall system that is designed to provide all of the country’s researchers access to high-calibre infrastructure efficiently.

Slides from Kieron's talk at Globus World 2014 are available for download.

Most recently, Kieron Mottley, NeSI’s Business Manager, presented a well-received talk at Globus World 2014, a conference focused on enabling efficient data transfer for research purposes. Kieron’s talk was entitled “New Zealand Research Data Transfer Services” and discussed the shape of New Zealand’s research sector as well some of NeSI’s early plans to build an integrated national data service.

In early April 2014, Nick Jones, NeSI Director, participated in a discussion relating to sustainability and business models of e-infrastructures at the 2nd International Conference on Research Infrastructures. NeSI is different from many supercomputing centres worldwide, in that it is an inherently collaborative model. Rather than being hosted at one institution, NeSI is distributed across several institutions and available nationally.

Video from Nick's session, as well as the rest of the conference, is available (MP4, skip to 1h 03m for Nick's segment).

NeSI staff have also been participants at worldwide events, such as eScience, International Supercomputing and Supercomputing since NeSI's inception in 2012.

All of these engagements are part of a wider story. NeSI, as a provider of world-class infrastructure, draws heavily from and contributes to international best practice. New Zealand has been well represented at these global discussions.