Introducing our national support channel

Email or visit to submit a request to any NeSI facility and for any of NeSI's services.

All our staff can now contribute to resolving requests. This ensures timely and well-informed responses. You also have the ability to track the status of any requests through NeSI Support.

For those already using existing facility specific contact points, changes are minimal. You can continue to email the addresses that you currently know.

How to submit a request

To submit a request via the website, click on the link in this highlighted region at the top of the page.

Use your institutional credentials to log in

When you click NeSI Support's sign in button, you can select to login via your home institution. You will be directed to log in to your institution, and your home institution verifies your identity to NeSI Support on your behalf. This means your password is not shared with our service, and you don't need to remember another password!

If you would prefer, you can log in via services: NeSI Support also supports log in via Google, Facebook and Twitter.