Vacancy: Education Programme Leader - now open!

  • Grow High Performance Computing and scientific applications capability in the NZ research sector
  • Enhance skills and knowledge around computational methods, tools, scaling and architectures
  • Contribute to the development of eScience in New Zealand

The Education Programme Leader leads activities for NeSI's professional education programme. This programme supports research communities across New Zealand with their ability to utilise High Performance Computing. The role includes responsiblity for the development an implementation the programme. This includes its coordination, planning, scheduling, development and delivery.

There is an opportunity for faculty role within the host institution, The University of Auckland, for an appropriately qualified and experienced candidate.

Some of the key tasks include:

  • Leading development and delivery of an educational programme focused primarily on NeSI's High Performance Computing resources and applications and then its wider eScience services
  • Using feedback from the programme to recommend enhancements to NeSI's services
  • Contributing to the development of a community within HPC and eScience

Apply to be NeSI's Education Programme Leader