Workshop: Introduction to High Performance Computing on NeSI (HPC Carpentry)

On 20 March 2025, NeSI will be hosting a four hour, hands-on introduction to high performance computing (HPC) on a NeSI supercomputer. This will be an online workshop hosted on Zoom.

Members of the NeSI team will guide attendees through HPC fundamentals including:

  • How to access the NeSI HPC clusters.
  • Basics of high performance computing.
  • Working with a scheduler.
  • Accessing software via modules.
  • Using resources effectively and responsibly.

The goal of this workshop is to get you using the NeSI platform, so come ready to participate!


New Zealand-based researchers are welcome to register for this workshop. You will need to have a NeSI account in order to follow along. Instructions for NeSI account registration will be sent to all workshop registrants.

More Details:

We will be working from the NeSI fork of Introduction to High-Performance Computing, which can be found here. If you have any questions or would like more information about this session, please email sends e-mail)

Deadline to register is 14 March by 5PM NZDT.

As always, if you wish to know more about our training activities or need assistance with registration please email sends e-mail)


Event Date: 
Thursday, March 20, 2025 - 10:00 to 15:00