Introduction to HPC using NeSI @ University of Auckland
This hands-on session is an introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC) using one of the clusters provided by New Zealand eScience Infrastructure. You will learn how to access and use the cluster. You will submit computational jobs using job scheduler, learn how to transfer your data between the cluster and your storage.
The training is addressed at researchers with no prior experience with HPC. You can attend if you do not have an account on NeSI yet. We will provide you with training accounts.
However, we strongly advise that you have some basic command line skills. Please check this Software Carpentry material before the workshop.
SETUP INSTRUCTIONS - This is a hands-on workshop and the participants are required to bring their own laptops to be able to follow the instruction. If you are running Windows on your laptop, please install MobaXterm before the workshop. If you are running Mac OS or Linux, you don't need to install anything.
When: Thursday, 20 April 2017 at 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Where: Science Building 303 Room G15, University of Auckland, Auckland
Find more information and register here.
This event is for University of Auckland staff and students only. If you would like any further information please contact the NeSI Engagement Team through or if you have questions specific to our training: